Saturday, August 10, 2013

Charlie Bumpers vs. The Teacher of the Year

by Bill Harley
illustrated by Adam Gustavson
Peachtree Publishers (September 1, 2013)
Review ARC from Cover to Cover Books

This book is about Charlie and how he gets Mrs. Burke for 4th grade. Everyone (mostly kids) thinks that Mrs. Burke is the meanest teacher of 4th grade. He starts off the year in a bad way and gets in trouble at least once a day and his parents say that he better straighten up. He makes a new friend named Hector, a kid from Chile. His other friend Tommy is in another classroom. One day he gets his shoe stuck on the roof of the school because he is trying to help the first graders to get the ball that was stuck there. He had a talk with Mrs. Burke and she joked about his shoe throwing history. He realizes that Mrs. Burke was just trying to be funny and that’s when he felt a lot better having Mrs. Burke as his teacher.  --SR

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